NENA Monthly Minutes November 3, 2021 7 pm
1. Welcome – Curtis Butler is Chair for the meeting as Andrew is not able to attend
2. Accept the Meeting Minutes as posted on the NENA website
a. Approved: Annabel
b. Second: Patricia
c. Carried 21-0
3. Environment Committee Meeting
a. Real Time Air Quality System coming to Hamilton ttps://
i. Maybe we could have it come to the train yard by Bayfront Park
b. Bioswale
i. Motion made by Herman: Not to pave over the excavated area at Bay and Strachan and keep it as a bioswale to help with heavy rain fall
ii. Second: Jon
iii. Carried
4. Planning & Traffic Committee
a. Pier 8 – Working with the City
i. Will buy a monthly update in the Breezes when their sales office opens in January and February; they will open a marketing office and see the interest in the plans they have submitted to the city
ii. Entrance Enhancement on James & Strachan will be returning during the latest settlement; hopes to merge with the parkette from the Jamesville Development
b. Jamesville
i. Formal drawings have been delivered to the City by the developers and we have a link to look at and review as requested
ii. The City of Hamilton has included us as a commenting agency
iii. Some items that we will be reviewing:
1. Heights – Proposing 7 stories instead of 6
2. Traffic Concerns
a. Only entrances on James and Strachan
3. Parking
a. Underground and Above ground
4. Trees – All are going due to environment clean up
5. Affordability
a. Market Houses are all the same
6. Esthetics – Looks very industrial
7. Accessibility – Currently all have stars
a. Ramps to the lower levels and elevators to the parking garage
8. Community Benefit – Bay & Strachan parkette
c. Sunset Gardens
i. A mighty force of volunteers have gathered to work together to save the park;
ii. Developers are not committed to anything
iii. Motion made by Herman: That Andrew write to Jason Thorne to provide city staff to support NENA in writing an official plan amendment to correct the error on the map of Setting Sail and have the park re-designated to Open Space and have the fee of $1,500 waived by the city.
1. Second: Gabby 2. Carried 21-0
iv. What is the difference between P1 and Open space?
1. Mislabeled.
v. What is the goal of the committee?
1. To have the strongest negotiation status on the park
vi. Paying for Lawn Signs – Save the Park
1. Herman will fundraise for the signs
d. Pier 8 Promenade is not open because they are waiting for rails to be delivered. Delay due to
5. Financial Update
a. $615.70
b. 3 Transactions
6. Community Engagement Update
a. Breezes Delivery is covered but there is always needed; Contact Sheri if you are interested.
b. Food Drive was a success
i. Something we want to do well annually; not regularly
c. What about a Christmas Cash Drive?
i. Motion by Sheri: NENA coordinate with Welcome Inn to do a fundraiser for Christmas
ii. Second: Sarah
iii. Carried 21-0
d. What about a Community Fridge at the Welcome Inn?
7. Library Update – Robert
a. No update; very quiet
8. Other Business
a. Homeless Encampment
i. City has recently won a dispute that allows them to clean up the park
ii. Where are they going? Shelters are full.
iii. What about Jonny on the Spots and handwashing stations?
1. When they are given; they are trashed and not used.
iv. What about an old school? There are number sitting empty.
v. If you are concern; please write to the Mayor or write letters to the Editor.
b. Ken Soble Building
i. Have people moved in?
ii. People are slowly moving in.
c. In Person Meetings?
i. Poll with the Survey about in-person vs. Zoom
1. Wait until the New Year.
ii. What about Hybrid?
iii. The Community Centre is a government building, so would it require vaccination passport
iv. We will hold off meeting in-person until the New Year
9. Election for NENA Board at the December Meeting
a. Roles & Descriptions
i. President – Run meetings and represents NENA to the public and the city
ii. Treasurer – Oversee the NENA bank account
iii. Secretary – Monitors social media; Website; Writes the minutes
b. Constitutional Review in December about how we elect Board Members
10. Close Meeting
a. Motion by Sarah: Close the meeting at 8:25 pm
b. Second: Maggie
c. Carried: 21-0