Meeting Minutes
Attendance – 8 Guest
(Meeting held on Zoom)
Andrew Robinson (President) welcomed everyone and outlined guidelines
Review of past minutes
Motion of acceptance (Andrew), seconded (Kathy) – Approved (5/0)
Environmental Committee Update / Discussion – Jon (Chair)
No new update
Planning & Traffic Committee Update / Discussion – Herman (Chair)
Cameron is aware and knows NENA wants to be informed / notified about events and developments happening in the neighbourhood. (similar to other groups – Forestry, Alectra, Traffic, CN etc)
Cameron was able to join / participate in the last planning meeting.
As construction / life costs increase developers are looking at increasing overall numbers of units in new developments by making smaller units.
Financial Update – Curtis (Chair)
No new update
Community Engagement Update
No new update
Library Update
No new update
Other Business / Updates
No concerns with current Board members continuing in current positions.
Fiona a McMaster student is studying Network & Community connections was present at the meeting, she present and discussed.
Network sharing activities in Hamilton for community support
Simple examples are Mini Libraries, Community Fridges
She is looking to talk with a few local community members
Names were discussed and people volunteered but Fiona needs to finalize her work before reaching out to people.
Herman raised the example of Partnering Aldershot to show that neighbourhood groups can be involved / connected with businesses, Cities and Government during discussions to not be reactionary.
Herman to coordinate if a representative can join our next meeting.
There are currently trees in the traffic right of way along Picton which could be trimmed / cut for overall safety
There is no sidewalk connection from Hughson Street to Bennetto Recreation Centre only travel is through parking lot, only full sidewalk to main entry is from John Street.
If a sidewalk from Hughson was installed it would allow greater access and provide protection for all users.
Motion to close meeting (Andrew), seconded (Keith) – approved (8/0)
Next Meeting
April 3, 2024 at 7:00pm through Zoom