Attendance - 15 Guest (Meeting held on Zoom)
Andrew Robinson (President) welcomed everyone and outlined guidelines
Review of past minutes
Minutes from our past meeting were discussed and posted online (Motion to approve – Andrew, Second – Herman: Passed)
Environmental Committee Update / Discussion – Jon (Chair)
No new update Jon not present
Planning & Traffic Committee Update / Discussion – Herman (Chair)
Planning committee is trying to arrange a meeting with Cameron to review / discuss the current scheme for Jamesville
Latest proposal doesn’t follow NENA’s recommendations previously given to the developer during initial meetings (green space, retail)
Committee preparing a letter to the city outlining our concerns and expressing what we want to see as part of the redevelopment
The current scheme appears to increase height / density to reach specific cost / development goals without community benefit.
Letter to City was read and reviewed by members attending for approval (Motion to approve – Andrew, Second – Elizabeth: Passed)
Financial Update – Curtis (Chair)
NENA currently has just over $1,000.00 in the bank, the only withdrawal is $3.00 monthly in administration fee
Community Engagement Update
No new update Sarah not present
Library Update
The Library Board has previously announced that part of the Discovery Centre building will become / house a community Library
The City is currently working through initial reports, public meetings and planning to coordinate eventual installation.
Currently the building leased to the developer to be used as the sales centre for Pier development.
Other Business / Updates
The Barton & Tiffany proposed tiny homes need to be up and functioning before the tents are removed from Bayfront and clean-up can begin
Additional shelter beds have been approved / added, but the tiny homes could take two years for the site to be fully operational
Discussion have taken place with Cameron notifying him about the stalled projects / holes along James Street, standards need to be maintained as developers wait for market / interest rates to change.
The next Ward 2 grant applications are now open
NENA wants to thank the Breeze’s for holding the Northender of the Year Awards and congratulate all of the winners.
St. Lawrence Church is holding its annual Nibbles & Bids auction (Nov 8) (Motion to sponsor $50.00 – Andrew, Second Curtis: Pass)
The list of events / reminders from NENA email blasts
Cameron is still looking for feedback on how to use and activate Strachan Linear Park and Eastwood Area, surveys are online
Metrolinx will be doing track work between October 4 - 6
Green Venture is holding a plant giveaway and information event at St. Lawrence Church on October 19 starting at 10;30am
The North End fall food drive is happening again to support Welcome Inn, organizers are looking for volunteers and donations of food, toiletries or money on October 26
Motion to close meeting – Andrew, Second Curtis: Pass
Next Meeting
November 6, 2024 at 7:00pm through Zoom