1. Andrew opened the meeting
2. Approval of minutes from our last meeting on September 1, 2021
a. Motion: Andrew
b. Second: Jon
c. Carried: 19 – 0
3. Environment Committee – Jon
a. All beaches are closed at Bayfront because of algae
b. Over 100 trees planted on Bayfront
c. Garbage clean up with the Bay Area restoration council around Bayfront park and surrounding area
4. Planning and Traffic Committee – Herman
a. Pier 8 Development – ½ page report in the Breezes to update the neighbourhood what is going on in the neighbourhood. It seems that they will be marketing the development instead of construction
b. Corktown is asking for our help to get their neighbourhood to 30 km like the North End
c. Jamesville
i. Motion by Herman: That the NENA president request an executive a meeting with Jason Thorne that NENA be recognized as a commenting agency on the Jamesville Development.
ii. Second: Robert
iii. Carried: 19 – 0
d. Sunset Garden/Tot Lot
i. Motion by Herman: Creating an adhoc committee to manage and develop to rescue the Sunset Garden on the Tot Lot
ii. Second: Sandra
iii. Carried: 19-0
iv. For those interested in being apart of the new committee, please stay at the end of the meeting
e. Crosswalk – Bayfront
i. More to be discussed on this at the Planning & Traffic Committee
f. Idling of the Garbage Trucks
i. User problem - hard to get by-law to catch someone idling in the act
ii. If it is a GFI truck let Herman know
5. Finance Committee – Curtis
a. Congratulate Sheri and Shawn for North Ender of the Year
b. We spent $55 on the North Ender of the Year
c. Someone bought a shirt!
d. $618.70 Total in the bank
6. Community Engagement Update – Sarah
a. Shirts are still for sale
b. Please send all social media posts and information to northendcommunityengagement@gmail.com
7. Library Update – Robert
a. No Update
8. Other
a. St. Lawrence Church
i. 50/50 Draw until October 11, 2021
ii. Call the church office
b. Food Drive – October 16, 2021
i. Food goes to Welcome Inn
ii. Welcome Inn will help unload at 4 pm
iii. Looking for different locations around the North End
iv. Looking to get over 2,000 lbs
v. Flyers will be ready for delivery on the Friday, October 8
vi. If you are interested in delivery or hosting a food drop off location please let Curtis and Sheri know
c. North Ender of the Year – Winners Sheri & Shawn Selway
d. Encampment
i. People living at Simcoe and Strachan at 369 Ferguson St. N
ii. No easy solution
1. We don’t want them to be displaced
2. We don’t want them to be incarcerated
3. It has been suggested that we continue to tell Jason Farr about it and to talk to the various community groups
iii. Motion by Christeen: Letter to council on the behalf of the residents of the North End regarding the encampments both attached to private properties and public parks to raise awareness of the issue and take action to find these people health and homes
iv. Second: Nancy
v. Letter will be written by Herman and Christeen and submitted by Andrew
vi. Carried: 19 – 0
e. Executive Positions are available for position at the end of the year (President, Treasurer, Secretary)
f. Supercrawl coming to the North End – October 8 & 9
i. Discussion about parking, transit, and potential sound violations
9. Close the meeting
a. Motion made by Andrew: To end the meeting at 8:05 pm
b. Second: Sarah
c. Carried: 19 – 0