(Meeting held on Zoom)
Andrew Robinson (President) welcomed everyone and outlined guidelines
Review of past minutes
Motion of acceptance (Andrew), seconded (Herman) – approved
Environmental Committee Update / Discussion – Jon (Chair)
Alley clean up complete and successful – 10 bags collected
Clean up also got people out in community and socializing
An article is being prepared to the Breeze’s about e-bikes
Residents along Burlington St have noticed a powder (sugar / floor) on cars, reached out for resources and contacts of who to speak with
There is an electric vehicle charging point at the Port Authority Building
The City is currently reviewing e-scooter requirements
Planning & Traffic Committee Update / Discussion – Herman (Chair)
Concern raised about Pier article by NENA in Breeze, intended to provide information on background, how we got here and status
NENA encourages feedback / discussion about Pier development with our association, community and City
Final decision / approval by City Planning / Design Review Panel not NENA
NENA has previously discussed / agreed with LPAT settlement for a tower reached by Harbour West Neighbours (HWN) for lower overall building height on remaining buildings across the site
It appears the City does take the settlement seriously
Gusise St residents were welcomed at last meeting – no one attended
As part of the Pier agreement John Street will be getting upgrades / features such as bike lanes and extension to water
Discussion if a conversion of Victoria and Wellington help create a better flow of traffic, development and reduce pollution (less stop & starting)
Changing roads doesn’t mean reduced traffic people find an alternates
Sunset Garden signs are being set out again and still some being removed
Signs are still available from Alison for pick-up an installation if wanted
NENA will contact City to see results of last years traffic study
Financial Update – Curtis (Chair)
NENA grant request cheque from the City has been deposited
Library & Community Update – Robert
NENA always looking for updates / events / information about the northend for posting on our social media
Is there interest in creating a name for the Pier tower NENA can use in public information, discussion going forward
Other Business / Updates
Breeze is currently running a 50/50 raffle and having Party June 18, 2022 see website for information and tickets
St. Lawrence Church is currently running a spring 50/50 raffle contact the Church for information and tickets
Sunset Garden group is organizing a paint in the garden on May 21
City of Hamilton engage website has information / surveys looking for feedback on upcoming projects (engagehamilton.ca)
City of Hamilton is currently taking requests on-line for its free tree giveaway and a June tree pick-up
Council elections are coming up please review the candidates and issue affecting the northend
Everyone welcome at our meetings for open discussion / input
Motion to close meeting (Andrew), seconded (Robert) – approved
Next Meeting
June 1, 2022 at 7:00pm through Zoom