(Meeting held on Zoom)
Andrew Robinson (President) welcomed everyone and outlined guidelines
Review of past minutes
With people taking summer holidays official meetings for July and August were not held only discussion for communication and coordination
Environmental Committee Update / Discussion – Jon (Chair)
Currently no update about Jamesville or neighbourhood tree canopy, but concern of removal in the community
Trees and canopy will be an issue going forward with Jamesville
City has not been keeping up maintenance on its pollinator gardens allowing trees and bushes to grow in them
City gardens along Bay Street have been cut allowing a view of the street, reducing place for people to hide and doing deals
Local residents were aware and some requested it
Current plan is to replant and revive pollinator gardens Planning & Traffic Committee Update / Discussion – Herman (Chair)
This is the 20th anniversary of 30km/h on neighbourhood streets
Herman provide a review of the current Jamesville proposal versus what was submitted and residents were shown during design meetings (density and pavement at grade increase along with increased height)
Developer recommends NENA accept what the City has approved
Committee makes a motion that NENA recommends HWN appeal City acceptance of new proposal shown at Planning Committee (motion moved by Herman, seconded by Bryan and approved)
NENA is not against affordable housing but wants the City to follow its own policies and guidelines
Recent communication to Jason Farr have gone unanswered
Financial Update – Curtis (Chair)
No update
Library & Community Update – Robert
A meeting was held between NENA and head librarian
Possible location for new branch would be Discovery Centre
A survey for library use and feedback is on Engage Hamilton
Other Business / Updates
Thank you to those who organized Walk the Block
People were out meeting and engaging others
NENA looking for feedback if people want to continue with video meetings or feel comfortable going back to in person
Cameron will send out information about other groups doing a hybrid meeting and the needs / requirements for people to run them
Concern that Bennetto may not have a full children’s program selection
As development occurs and seasons change an increase rat population has been seen around Bennetto and in the neighbourhood
Is it required for Jamesville to have plan before demolition and what procedures or policies does the City have to deal with this?
Super Crawl is happening soon watch for travel and alternate bus routes as James Street will be closed
The Breeze is looking for volunteers, writers and Board members
Ward 2 council debate is on September 13, 2022 on Cable 14 at 8:30pm
St. Lawrence Church is starting all fall / winter fundraisers again, contact the Church for more information
There are many options to make are neighbourhood more pedestrian friendly from raised crosswalks to installing handrails on the Mary St bridge
Motion to close meeting (Robert), seconded (Andrew) – approved
Next Meeting
October 5, 2022 at 7:00pm through Zoom