(Meeting held on Zoom)
• Andrew Robinson (President) welcomed everyone and outlined guidelines Review of past minutes
• Motion of acceptance (Andrew), seconded (Herman) - approved
Environmental Committee Update / Discussion – Jon (Chair)
• Currently the trail is closed for maintenance and work
• People have expressed concern about lights being out on trails / paths
• Contractors are currently working at Bayfront and along Strachan
• Bike lanes in area being fixed and having indicators added (Work on John St bike lanes still to be done)
• A proposed committee meeting date is January 18, 2023
Planning & Traffic Committee Update / Discussion – Herman (Chair)
• Bill 23 has been passed by the Provincial Government
• Concern about bill increasing development in our neighbourhood
• Question raised about having our councillor join a meeting to discuss changes and implications for new development
• It is possible to join with other associations (if needed / wanted) to raise and address concerns as a larger group
• Everyone agrees and considers the pier as part of the northend
• How do we get the public / City to understand we are one
• There is currently a sign at the pier noting that children living in the new development my go to school outside of the community
• This maybe a formality / requirement for new developments
• Current community schools are scheduled for a usage review in 2030
• With the current development model how can new and additional homes be approved and produced faster
• Motion to invite Councillor & School trustees to upcoming Planning meeting to discuss connection of pier with neighbourhood and maintaining schools (Herman), Seconded (Maggie) – approved
• Pier Development Website Presentation (Keith)
o New page added to NENA website to present current information
o To help provide current and factual information to people
o Allows people a chance to connect as there is often a lack of information given from the City
o It was discussed to allow people a change to review the page / information and provide comments before going live (email link)
o Concern raised about pier acceptance as a crusade of a few and not the overall position of the association
o Concern raised if a new vote should be taken to determine if the association is still in acceptance of pier / tower
o With an overall number of units being increased it may affect the size of units proposed for the tower
o In current climate the cost of units may prohibit families as preferred
Financial Update – Curtis (Chair)
• No changes to current account balance
Library & Community Update – Robert
• No new updates but willing to communicate / post local information
• Interest in having a library at the Discovery Centre, currently proposed for use as a sales centre for pier development
• Social media and outreach done jointly by Annabel, Sarah and Deborah
Other Business / Updates
• Board members are to prepare a job outline of roles / responsibilities for future use and help interested people understand positions
• Motion to keep existing Board into new year as roles / responsibilities are developed with possible future discussion or transitions if interest shown (Andrew), seconded (Kathy) – approved
• St. Lawrence Church holding winter bake sale and looking for donation of baked goods and volunteers
• The Breeze is looing for volunteers for everything from deliveries and writers
• Motion to close meeting (Andrew), seconded (Herman) – approved
Next Meeting
• January 4, 2023 at 7:00pm through Zoom