NENa Zoom Meeting. Feb. 2nd 2022, 7:00 PM
Andrew Robinson (President) opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
Environmental Committee Update - Jon Davy
Green for Life, Green Venture - They will be providing update on Storm Water Management
Discussion about snow on the sidewalks being a challenge
Planning/Traffic Committee Update Herman Turkstra
Review of the committee’s last meeting
Extending John St. 1 way to Guise Street
Discovery Centre will be the sales location for Pier 8 condos
Dog Leash Free Park. Survey Feb. 8th on city website
Discussion of the Sunset Garden Save the Park Signs.
Kathy Renwald made a point that we as a group need to make sure we are aware of city meetings and information as they won’t contact us directly about them.
The city has an App which is useful to keep in touch.
Note: The Pier 8 developer said he won’t buy the Discovery Centre building.
The developer will purchase advertising in The Breezes to keep the neighbourhood informed.
It was mentioned that the Discovery Centre will be years before deciding on a use for it.
Also noted that currently there is no parking plan for people visiting Pier 8 after it has been developed.
Feb. 15th there is a city planning committee meeting regarding the proposed 45 storey tower on Pier 8
Financial Update Curtis Biehler
Motion was passed to pay the annual fee of $500 for “The Breezes”
Anabel was able to get a grant for the advertising. We are waiting to receive it.
Community Engagement Update.
If anyone has an update contact Sarah Gillman (
Robert - No Library update.
Looking for a letter of support from the developer for a Library location in the Discovery Centre.
Contact Jason Farr to look for support for the Library at the Discovery Centre
Other Business:
Motion passed to send the city a letter in support of a 45 storey tower on block 16 to increase the amount of family units.
The Breezes is looking for people to send them social media community events.
Motion to end the meeting passed unanimously.