(Meeting held on Zoom)
Andrew Robinson (President) welcomed everyone and outlined guidelines
Review of past minutes
Motion of acceptance (Andrew), seconded (Sandra) – approved
Presentation “Walk the Block” – Keith (Organizer)
Closing streets to cars allows more pedestrian access and a chance for people to meet each other and explore
Not a street festival but a way to get out and meet / greet, with an alternative to using the car
Knowing people and your neighbours creates a better environment, community and general sense of place
Marginal gains start to create change not always a big gestures or events
Strengthened social interactions / networks help everyone
Interest to participate has been expressed from local businesses & groups
Herman has coordinated with City & Pier 8 developer about a bbq
Keith to send out information with next NENA email blast
Jon has coordinated with local bike groups
A specific street / area and date is to be confirmed
Looking for larger group / community involvement not only
NENA Planning & Traffic Committee Update / Discussion – Herman (Chair)
Campaign to maintain and save Sunset Garden is making progress but has slowed recently
Are there ways to reach new people and to gain greater momentum
How will the Garden be used going forward with greater activity and people there routinely
Information to be send in the next NENA email blast
Environmental Committee Update / Discussion – Jon (Chair)
Looking for Council to approve buses going into Bayfront Park and provide hook-ups in the park for food truck by next summer
Discovery Centre not being purchased by Pier 8 developers
Financial Update – Curtis (Chair)
No update
Library & Community Update – Robert
No update
Other Business / Updates
Breeze is celebrating 50 years of publication this year
They are having a party on June 18, 2022 from 1-4pm at Macassa
Lunch and dinner event with ticket only $10.00, including an auction, raffle and meet / greet
St. Lawrence Church is currently holding at 50/50 raffle, contact the Church for ticket and information Closing
Motion to close meeting (Sandra), seconded (Robert) – approved
Next Meeting
September 7, 2022 at 7:00pm through Zoom
With people taking summer holidays during July and August informal meetings will take place to allow communication and coordination